Current Issues.
I was in the middle of eaten of sandwich when the next news item rolled in on TV3’s Buletin Utama.
My focus initially was more on the sandwich. But when I looked up at the TV screen, the picture of a girl in a red dress, stopped me in mid-munch.
By the time the news item ended, I was shocked with this news. Three-year-old Syafia Humairah Sahari had been kicked, battered and stomped on like footballer kick their ball.
What made it all the more shocking was the fact that the hell Syafia was subjected to did not happen behind closed doors but out in the open, in full view of the public.
People came to her to save her from be mo injured but it was too late. She succumbed to her injuries. Her frail body bore testimony to the sufferings she had endured at the hands of her alleged tormentor, her mother’s 28-year-old boyfriend. The post-Morten report issued revealed that the child died of severe abdominal injuries and brain haemorrhage. Bruises and cuts were also found on the child’s back, neck, chin and shoulders.
I can’t even begin to understand how a human being could do that to another, and a child at that. Who think there are such people in this world. Safia, who should be playing with friends, went to school was go early from them.
I really hope the cruel man will be punish with appropriate punishment . And also to parents, please keep your children well, and seek suitable partner in your life. If not, that impossible these things can not happen again.
I really hope the cruel man will be punish with appropriate punishment . And also to parents, please keep your children well, and seek suitable partner in your life. If not, that impossible these things can not happen again.
AlFatihah to Syafia Humairah Sahari.
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